This Commission gives advice to the Executive and Council on a wide range of matters related to issues of Peace and Justice.  Its membership comprises people with skills and commitment to many of these areas and it receives reports at each meeting on projects and programs which the Ecumenical Council supports. Examples are as follows:

  • Asylum Seekers and Refugee: Jo Lee, from the House of Welcome highlighted that in 2011 there were 15.2 million refugees and 900,000 asylum seeker applications had been made internationally. This was to highlight the poor response of Australia where 4,700 visas had been granted to boat arrivals. There has been an increase of asylum seekers in the community with between 300-400 are released per month. This puts pressure on them and organisations that assist. They have work right but no other rights and there is the risk of homelessness. HOW now has 16 houses in Sydney and 7 case workers.

Resources on Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Refugees and People Seeking Asylume_the facts_20 February 2018_ Australian Churches Refugee

ACRT_Dignitynot destitution_You can take action NOW_Flyer and letter to Prime Minister_

  • Peace-Making: The Council has supported the annual observance of the International Day of Prayer for Peace on September 21, which is held at St David’s Uniting Church, Lindfield.  Information was given about the WCC assembly to be help in Busan, South Korea, with the theme, God of Life, Lead us to Justice and Peace, in October/November 2013 and there was some discussion to what might be planned for Sydney. Promotion was given to the NCCA Statement for Social Justice Sunday 30 September 2012 on the topic, Peace in the Marketplace – So all may live in dignity. It has contributions from several member churches and is available on the NCCA website
  • Caring for Creation: the Commission has encouraged the Council to study work being done within member churches on matters of caring for God’s creation.  Reports have been distributed and action proposed
  • Canberra Christians for an Ethical Society: the Commission receives reports on the program offered to members of the public in Canberra covering many contemporary issues. These are shared with the Council through reports to the Executive Committee.

 The P & J Commission has recently produced a list of Church Agencies involved programs of peace and justice (see separate entry on website).

Contact information

Ph: 02 9299 2215 Email:

To contact Christians for an Ethical Society (our Canberra-based partners),
email: or telephone:   0419 970 915