Annual Fund-Raising Dinner The annual event brought the community of churches together. Annual Fund-Raising Dinneradmin2023-06-08T09:30:40+10:00
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity This year the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity The Week of Prayer for Christian Unityadmin2023-06-08T09:36:33+10:00
World Day of Prayer 2023 World Day of Pray occurs on the first Friday World Day of Prayer 2023admin2023-04-04T06:36:24+10:00
Mid Lent Service for Peace and for those Affected by Natural Disaster The Council held a prayer service Mid Lent Service for Peace and for those Affected by Natural Disaster admin2023-04-04T06:33:07+10:00
Letter from the Editor – April 2023 Lent is a time of prayer, fasting, and reflection. Letter from the Editor – April 2023admin2023-04-04T06:20:08+10:00
People of Faith say “NO” to fossil fuels in Global Week of Action People of faith say ‘no’ to fossil fuels in People of Faith say “NO” to fossil fuels in Global Week of Actionadmin2023-04-04T07:22:41+10:00
Mid Lent Prayer for Peace 2023 The New South Ecumenical Council is holding its annual Mid Mid Lent Prayer for Peace 2023admin2023-02-27T11:55:04+11:00
Christmas Bowl 2022 It was with great joy that we launched the Christmas Bowl 2022admin2022-12-16T02:26:52+11:00
Reflections on His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian’s 10 Years of Accomplishments If anyone tries to bring Reflections on His Eminence Archbishop Haigazoun Najarian’s 10 Years of Accomplishmentsadmin2022-12-15T05:13:34+11:00
Report from Interfaith Commission Visit to St John’s Uniting Church, Wahroonga Eighteen members Report from Interfaith Commissionadmin2022-12-16T01:06:15+11:00