Every movement has its core of committed supporters. The Ecumenical Movement is no exception. These are people who take seriously Christ’s prayer for his followers “that they may all be one ….. that the world may believe.” We need to encourage this strong commitment and maintain contact with these enthusiasts for unity in Christ.
Many are still excited by the vision of a church which provides a model of reconciliation to a divided world and strongly desire that the churches commit to the 1952 Lund Principle:
“doing all things together except those which deep differences of conviction compel us to do separately.”
To inspire this ecumenical enthusiasm we need to ensure that those who belong are kept informed of the work of the local ecumenical movement and invited to participate in occasions when we celebrate ecumenism. Members of the Ecumenical Network (NSW) will be invited to meet with overseas visitors, attend ecumenical dinners and other times of celebration. They are asked to pledge to contribute regularly and would be placed on the distribution of the E-newsletter Sharing, plus other publications of the Ecumenical Council.
NSWEC is providing an opportunity to join a network of those committed to ecumenism.
There are members of all churches who still yearn for unity of all Christians and for whom the ecumenical movement remains a priority. You too, can be a part of this network. Simply complete your details below and we will be in touch soon.