Commission on the Middle East


1. To inform Churches both member and non-member churches of the NSWEC on the plight of the Christians in the Middle East
2. To improve the lives of minority groups in the Middle East by ensuring their dignity and human rights are upheld
3. To advocate for an increase intake for Refugee and Asylum Seekers intake for our member churches

These three goals will be achieved through the following strategy:


1. Advocate and stand in solidarity for the member churches of the Middle East
2. Inform member churches on the continuing struggle for human rights as minority
3. Offer support in prayer and vigils
4. Build resources and network resources
5. To Build relationship with all other religions/faith groups to gain sympathetic ear
6. Engage with Government Agencies on the Plight of Christians in the Middle East
7. Respond to Enquiries in relation to the Middle East
8. Lobbying the Government for special consideration for visas and humanitarian entrance from the Middle East


1. One Annual Dinner
2. One Forum/Symposium
3. Organise an international visitor to speak to the churches
4. Work with other agencies such as UN
5. Network with Churches that may have similar interest of advocacy/inform and
education of the Christian plight in the Middle East
6. Educate through workshop, symposium and forums on the continuum suffrage of
Christians and minorities in the Middle East


1. Seek support from Act For Peace for advocacy
2. Grants – investigate where we may apply
3. Investigate the possibility of using the Tax Recipient fund

Membership to the Working Group/ Network/Commission

1. Invite member churches to participate by nominating a member from their Community and Agencies
2. Invite Act For Peace to participate
3. Invite Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network to be a member