The NSW Ecumenical Council

The NSW Ecumenical Council comprises of twenty-one churches in the state of New South Wales and the Australian Capital Territory. We are about churches working together in mission. This mission has three foundations: maintaining “the unity of the Spirit in the bonds of peace” [Ephesians 4: 3], being committed to the Gospel and to proclaiming it together, and living out the implications of the Gospel for service in the world.

The mission of the NSW Ecumenical Council is spelt out in its Statement of Objects below.


The Council is based on the acknowledgment of the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the scriptures and the readiness of the churches to fulfil their common calling to the glory of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Statement of Objects

The Council exists:

  • to bear witness to the unity of the Church as both gift and calling and, in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, to promote a more profound communion-Koinonia; to be an instrument of the churches in New South Wales whereby they may grow in the understanding and fulfilment of their common calling to unity and to mission; to facilitate the quest for unity in the Church by enabling the churches
  • to address together causes of division in the faith and order of the Church, and
  • to pray together, acknowledging their common heritage in worship; to encourage understanding of, and participation in, the world-wide mission of God; to resource and support the churches in that mission, so that, by joint study, consultation, reflection and action,
  • they may confront men and women more authentically with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and
  • they may respond more effectively to human need and to the scriptural imperative to seek justice for people everywhere; to bear witness to the gospel by promoting dialogue with people of other faiths and ideologies in New South Wales.

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The Council is bound by the National Privacy Principles contained in the Commonwealth Privacy Act. This policy outlines how the Council uses and manages personal information provided to or collected by it. The Council may from time to time, review and update this Privacy Policy to take account of new laws and technology, changes to the Council’s operations and practices and to make sure it remains appropriate to the changing changing environment. The Council does not disclose personal information except within the bounds of legislation. For security reasons personal information is not accessible from the Internet.